Church Activities   

We teach and train people to live a Godly, Bible based life that will be fruitful to them, family, and society at large. We encourage the church members to be loving, compassionate and law-abiding citizens of India.

Church services are conducted on Sunday’s, apart from Sunday services, Bible Studies, prayer meetings, Cottage meetings, Women’s fellowship, Youth ministry, Children’s ministry are conducted during week days.

Home Visits

Visiting Church members to encourage them in the faith and counsel at time when needed.

Out Reach

Occasionally Church members are taken to the orphanages and old age homes.

Conducting of Funeral Services & Burying the Dead

People who die in utter poverty irrespective of their religion..have nothing left to bury except their body. If the dead are from the poor Anglo -Indian families , especially those living in the slums..they face meticulous problems in being given a decent funeral service and buried. In these situations..we help such poor dead people to have a decent funeral and burial service at free cost.

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